Thirukkural verse (in Tamil script)
இதனை இதனால் இவன்முடிக்கும் என்றாய்ந்து
அதனை அவன்கண் விடல்
Meaning: Assess the task, the means, the doer, and assign the work to him; then leave it in his hands.
Startup application: This Thirukkural emphasizes the importance of effective delegation and trust in team members, suggesting that leaders should carefully match tasks to team members’ skills, provide necessary resources, and then allow autonomy in execution. Here’s how it can be applied:
- Skill-based task assignment: Developing a clear understanding of team members’ strengths and skills allows for effective task allocation and maximizes team productivity.
- Empowerment culture: Fostering a culture of autonomy, accountability, and trust encourages team members to take ownership of their work and promotes innovation.
- Balancing guidance and autonomy: Implementing regular check-ins and providing necessary support while avoiding micromanagement strikes a balance between leadership and empowerment.
- Resource provision: Ensuring that team members have access to the necessary resources and support for task completion sets them up for success and demonstrates trust in their abilities.
- Leadership development: Cultivating leadership skills that balance strategic direction with trust and empowerment positions startups for sustainable growth and success.